Yin Yoga and the Path of the Storyteller
We come into our lives with our bags fully packed. They are bulging with our ancestral and culture stories and conditions. Our very understanding of love is defined by these conditions which are held not only in the way we see ourselves and our relationships, but in every cell of our bodies. The journey of the storyteller is the listening to, unpacking, telling, and letting go of these conditions.
During this weekend we will walk through the concepts of youth, midlife and elder stories, always returning to the wisdom of our own bodies through the still practice of Yin Yoga. We will also explore and develop ways storytelling may inform our practice and teaching on and off the mat, as well as how the natural world is constantly unfolding in teaching stories.
We come into our lives with our bags fully packed. They are bulging with our ancestral and culture stories and conditions. Our very understanding of love is defined by these conditions which are held not only in the way we see ourselves and our relationships, but in every cell of our bodies. The journey of the storyteller is the listening to, unpacking, telling, and letting go of these conditions.
During this weekend we will walk through the concepts of youth, midlife and elder stories, always returning to the wisdom of our own bodies through the still practice of Yin Yoga. We will also explore and develop ways storytelling may inform our practice and teaching on and off the mat, as well as how the natural world is constantly unfolding in teaching stories.
Friday 19.30 - 21.00
Yin practice with music and poetry
Saturday 9:00 - 11:30
Youth Stories - Beginning to unpack our bags
Saturday 14:30 - 17:00
Mid life stories - The patterns we have been carrying come into focus - we have a choice
Sunday 14:00 - 17:00
Elder stories - Opening to the possibility of unconditional love
This workshop will include:
- Multiple immersive yin yoga practices with live poetry, music, and silence
- Exercises for listening to and telling the stories carried in the body, and offering the acceptance of the Yin Practice to what arises
- How to anchor experience back in the body and the Yin practice itself
- How to develop and utilize storytelling in our own teaching or work
- How to listen to and tell old stories with an open heart to the students we encounter
- How to carry the Yin attitude into any practice or path
Dates: June 16th - 18th, 2023
Location: Rasa Yoga Paris
Address: 21 rue Saint Jacques Paris V, France
Contact: Website / Email